
Portland Moving Day Checklist


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    Our professional movers offer exceptional moving and packing services in Portland, Oregon. We are very experienced movers and so we know the best way to effectively pack and move. We have compiled the best moving day checklist to make sure you move is a breeze.

    woman holding a clipboard and looking and moving checklist

    Five Weeks Before The Move

    1. Create A Master List – This should contain everything that needs to be completed including cancelling and setting up electrical, water, sewage, natural gas and garbage services at the new home. Also be sure to include a list of supplies that you will need for the move. If you have any pianos or large equipment that will require a specialized team or heavy machinery to move make note of it on your master list.
    2. Clean Out The Closets – Closets can get cluttered with old stuff and you will probably end up throwing away a lot of it. Also clean out drawers, shelves, cupboards, chests, etc. and divide everything into four groups: Stuff you will throw away, stuff you will recycle, stuff you will give away or sell at a yard sale, and stuff you will keep.
    3. Have A Garage Sale – Sell everything that you put into the yard sale group. Everything that you don’t sell, give to a Goodwill or Salvation Army donation center.
    4. Send Change of Address Forms – Send out the change of address forms needed for magazine subscriptions, newspaper delivery, etc. Arrange to have your mail forwarded to the new address with the post office. Begin the process for changing address on driver’s license, passport, etc.
    5. Notify Utilities – Contact the cable company, alarm company, lawn maintenance, utilities, etc. and notify them about your new address and moving dates.
    6. Eat All The Food – Well not all of it. But eat as much of the food you have as you can before you move so you don’t have to move it. If possible avoid making huge grocery runs so that your cupboards will slowly empty themselves over the next few weeks.
    7. Contact Insurance – Get a hold of your insurance provider, and setup a policy for your new home. Make sure that the old policy is set to cancel the day after moving day.
    8. Research – If you haven’t already researched the schools in the new neighborhood, do it now. You will need to register your children at nearby schools at this point in time.
    9. Call The Cleaners – Have all of your upholstery and rugs cleaned. Book window and gutter cleaners before you move.
    10. Call The Movers – Find a moving company that works in your area. If you are doing the packing purchase boxes and other packaging materials that may be needed from a moving supply store.
    11. Start Packing – Dont pack up everything since you will need a lot of it over the next few weeks. Make sure you pack up things that wont be heavily used in the next few weeks. Store all of the boxes out of the way but in a place that’s easily accessible. A family room or guest room is a great idea. Avoid stashing them in the basement or attic, that will make your move take longer (if you hire movers that means it will cost you more) and annoy anyone helping you move.
    12. Visit The New Place – If possible visit your new home to measure doorways and find any potential choke points for your furniture. Having a plan going into moving day is critical, if you don’t know what you’re up against, it can be a losing battle.
    13. Plan Updates – Schedule painters, and any other contractors that you will need to make updates to the new place.

    woman sitting while writing on checklist on box

    Two Weeks Before The Move

    1. Keep Records – Make sure you keep records of all receipts and other expenses associated with moving. You can claim them come tax time and it might save you a few bucks.
    2. Keep Packing – Pack up everything but your clothes and toiletries for the coming week or two. Label all of your boxes clearly to minimize tasks and confusion on moving day.
    3. Book An Elevator – This might sound silly if you’ve never lived in a high rise apartment or condominium. It can make the move so much easier when you have a reserved elevator for the move. Also your new neighbors wont hate you for hogging up all the elevators with your move.
    4. Make Repairs – If you are selling your home this is a great time to deal with those repairs required for the sale.

    One Week Before The Move

    1. Clean The Refrigerator – By this point you should probably have very little frozen or refrigerated items. If you do, pack them up in a cooler the night before the move and make sure they are transported securely to your new place.
    2. Start Cleaning Everything – Clean the house as much as you can to avoid having to clean the whole thing on moving day.
    3. Finish Packing – Pack up everything but the essentials and have extra boxes or luggage handy for the last few articles of clothing that you will surely want to wear during the following week.
    4. Arrange Day Care – Arrange to have your pets and/or small children looked after for they day. Moving is stressful, you don’t want to deal with the headaches of a dog gone missing or a kid getting hurt.

    The Day Of The Move

    1. Keep Your Wits About You – It’s going to be tough, but you can do it. And once you’re all moved in you will feel a wave of euphoria rush over you.
    2. Guide The Movers – Make sure the movers are aware of specialty items, where to place your furniture, and make your self available for their questions.
    3. Relax Download a print friendly PDF version of our moving day checklist for future reference.

    local moving checklist

    Contact Redefyne Movers

    If you are interested in moving in and around Portland, contact Redefyne Movers to help with your packing and moving services.

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